Provincial helpline: Sexual Violence HelplineVidéo LSQ

Sexual Violence Helpline is a telephone information and referral helpline for sexual assault victims, their family and friends, and caregivers. Services are available in French and English and are completely confidential. This toll-free line is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, across the entire province of Quebec.
Every where in Quebec: 1 888 933-9007
Specially trained women will receive your call, listen to you, determine your needs and tell you what to do next. Using a list of provincial services, they will direct you to the nearest assistance and protection resource.

You can also consult the resource directory (available only in French) for a list of resources on the Island of Montreal. If you do not live in Montreal and are looking for a resource near your home, call the provincial helpline.

The following helplines can also provide support in emergency and crisis situations:

  • SOS violence conjugale (emergency support in situations of conjugal violence): 1 800 363-9010, listening and referral services, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

  • Crisis centres: if you are in distress, or if someone close to you is in crisis, or if you are looking for specialized support services (for family or friends, victims and counsellors), call any one of the following crisis centres that are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week:
      • Association IRIS (Montreal North): 514 388-9233
      • L'Autre Maison (South-western Montreal): 514 768-7225
      • Le Transit (Central-East Montreal): 514 282-7753
      • Tracom (West-Central Montreal): 514 483-3033
      • L'Appoint (affiliated with Hôpital Louis-H. Lafontaine and Montreal East): 514 351-6661
      • L'Entremise (Montreal East): 514 351-9592
      • Montreal West Island Crisis Centre: 514 684-6160


Développement web : ViGlob