In an emergency: what should you do? BoutonLSQ-20Web.jpg



    • If you are in an emergency situation
    • If you fear for your safety, your physical integrity or your life
    • If you have witnessed an assault
    • If you have just been sexually assaulted

Call emergency services immediately at 911 (police, ambulance or fire department).


If you were recently the victim of a sexual assault, it is recommended that you go to a designated centre to obtain medical and psychological care. Regardless of whether or not you decide to report the assault or have apparent physical injuries, you are entitled to receive this assistance. You will be cared for and supported by professionals who have been trained in working with victims of sexual assault. Be assured that nothing will be done without your consent.

There are designated centres in every region of Quebec that offer confidential services to victims of sexual assault 24 hours a day, seven days a week. In Montreal, designated centres are located in hospital emergency departments and CLSCs. Click here for a list of designated centres in Montreal.

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Check our resource directory (available only in French) or call the bilingual provincial helpline to find a resource.

Phone green
Montreal: 514 933-9007
Elsewhere in Quebec:
1 888 933-9007
  • If you were assaulted less than five days ago, we recommend that you go to a designated centre as quickly as possible for physical and psychological care. Qualified personnel will recommend that you undergo a medical examination as well as a forensic examination, and will offer you psychological support. You may also complete a forensic evidence kit, even if you have not yet decided whether to report the assault to the police. The forensic samples must be taken rapidly to ensure valid test results.

  • If you were assaulted more than six days ago, it is still advisable for you to go to a designated centre for a medical examination and psychological support. In such cases, it is best to call ahead and set up an appointment.

  • If you were assaulted over a year ago, we recommend that you contact a resource other than a designated centre. There are several available resources that can provide you with the support you need. To find one that is right for you, call the provincial helpline for victims of sexual assault or consult our resource directory (available only in French).

All of the above recommendations also apply if a child has been sexually assaulted.

Saviez-vous que - question mark-balloon_green.pngDid you know ?

Anyone who has reason to believe that a child is or is at risk of being a victim of sexual assault or abuse is obligated to report it to the Director of Youth Protection (Direction de la protection de la jeunesse - DPJ).

People who work with children are also legally obligated to submit an intervention request if they suspect a child is being mistreated or abused, or if a child reveals that he or she has been sexually assaulted. The rules governing confidentiality and professional secrecy included in the codes of ethics of doctors, psychologists and psychotherapists do not apply in cases of sexual assault against a child.

To submit an intervention request, call the confidential Youth Protection line at 514 935-6196 (in Montreal), or click here for more information.


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