Revealing a childhood sexual assault Vidéo LSQ


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The feelings and reactions that result from the disclosure of sexual assault or abuse experienced in childhood are very similar to those felt by victims of a recent sexual assault.

People who were sexually assaulted in childhood (usually called “survivors”) often have the same feelings and reactions as those who were sexually assaulted more recently. These feelings may have remained buried for years, only to surface when the survivor decides to talk about what happened to her/him. Revealing a sexual assault that occurred in childhood can trigger unexpected reactions, as the consequences change over time and are different for everyone.

If you are a survivor, you have probably suppressed your feelings about the assault or abuse for a long time. You may have used alcohol or drugs to mask your distress, or may suffer from an eating disorder.

Deciding to talk about a sexual assault you experienced in childhood may cause all your past emotions and buried memories to resurface. For more information on the possible consequences of sexual assault, click here.


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Talking about childhood sexual abuse with a professional can help. Consult our resource directory (available only in French) or call Sexual Violence Helpline to find a service that can offer you what you need (call 1 888 933-9007 toll-free or 514 933-9007 in Montreal).


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