Are you a victim of sexual assault? Vidéo LSQ

If you are a victim of sexual assault, this section is for you. The information it contains will be useful for you and for your family and friends, whether the sexual assault occurred recently or a number of years ago. This section includes information on the following topics:
The material in this section is intended for women and men, regardless of their ethnic origin, age, religion, sexual orientation or physical and mental capacities.


Saviez-vous que - question mark-balloon_green.pngDid you know ?

There are several resources that can help you. Sexual Violence Helpline is a telephone information and referral helpline for sexual assault victims, their family and friends, and caregivers.
This toll-free, bilingual, confidential and anonymous service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, across the entire province of Quebec.
Phone green circle.png
Everywhere in Quebec: 1 888 933-9007
Specially trained women will receive your call, listen to you, determine your needs and tell you what to do next. Using a list of provincial services, they will direct you to the nearest assistance and protection resource.

You can also consult the resource directory (available only in French) for a list of resources on the Island of Montreal. If you do not live in Montreal and are looking for a resource near your home, call the provincial helpline.


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