Consequences of a recent sexual assault Vidéo LSQ

You may have a very personal reaction to a recent sexual assault, depending on various factors:
    • your age
    • your personality
    • the form of the assault
    • your relationship to the assailant
    • whether you were sexually abused in childhood
    • the degree of violence inflicted
    • the reaction of your friends and family
    • the presence of other stress factors in your life

The short-term consequences of a sexual assault do not always occur in the same way or in the same order. The reactions to a recent sexual assault can be broken down into three different stages, however:

There are specific physical and psychological reactions and behaviours associated with each of these stages. Some you may have already experienced, some you may be currently experiencing, and still others you may experience in the future.


Saviez-vous que - question mark-balloon_green.pngDid you know ?

You can get support at any point during your healing process from sexual assault provention and victim support centres such as the CALACS, CAVAC or CRIPHASE.

The provincial helpline will refer you to organizations that can assist you with your specific problems and needs. Call the following numbers to talk to someone and obtain information and referrals:

Phone green circle.pngMontreal: 514 933-9007
Elsewhere in Quebec : 1 888 933-9007
If you are a deaf woman, contact La Maison des femmes sourdes de Montréal for support.
All services are confidential and free of charge.


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